Decoding the Issue Resolution Process In Practice via Issue Report Analysis: A Case Study of Firefox
In Proceedings of the 47th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2025.
Effectively managing and resolving software issues is critical for maintaining and evolving software systems. Development teams often rely on issue trackers and issue reports to track and manage the work needed during issue resolution, ranging from issue reproduction and analysis to solution design, implementation, verification, and deployment. Despite the issue resolution process being generally known in the software engineering community as a sequential list of activities, it is unknown how developers implement this process in practice and how they discuss it in issue reports. This paper aims to enhance our understanding of the issue resolution process implemented in practice by analyzing the issue reports of Mozilla Firefox. We qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed the discussions found in 356 Firefox issue reports, to identify the sequences of stages that developers go through to address various software problems. We analyzed the sequences to identify the overall resolution process at Firefox and derived a catalog of 47 patterns that represent instances of the process. We analyzed the process and patterns across multiple dimensions, including pattern complexity, issue report types, problem categories, and issue resolution times, resulting in various insights about Mozilla's issue resolution process. We discuss these findings and their implications for different stakeholders on how to better assess and improve the issue resolution process.
Combining Language and App UI Analysis for the Automated Assessment of Bug Reproduction Steps
In Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), 2025.
Bug reports are essential for developers to confirm software problems, investigate their causes, and validate fixes. Unfortunately, reports often miss important information or are written unclearly, which can cause delays, increased issue resolution effort, or even the inability to solve issues. One of the most common components of reports that are problematic is the steps to reproduce the bug(s) (S2Rs), which are essential to replicate the described program failures and reason about fixes. Given the proclivity for deficiencies in reported S2Rs, prior work has proposed techniques that assist reporters in writing or assessing the quality of S2Rs. However, automated understanding of S2Rs is challenging, and requires linking nuanced natural language phrases with specific, semantically related program information. Prior techniques often struggle to form such language to program connections - due to issues in language variability and limitations of information gleaned from program analyses. To more effectively tackle the problem of S2R quality annotation, we propose a new technique called AstroBR, which leverages the language understanding capabilities of LLMs to identify and extract the S2Rs from bug reports and map them to GUI interactions in a program state model derived via dynamic analysis. We compared AstroBR to a related state-of-the-art approach and we found that AstroBR annotates S2Rs 25.2% better (in terms of F1 score) than the baseline. Additionally, AstroBR suggests more accurate missing S2Rs than the baseline (by 71.4% in terms of F1 score).
SPRINT: An Assistant for Issue Report Management
In Proceedings of the 47th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2025.
Managing issue reports is essential for the evolution and maintenance of software systems. However, manual issue management tasks such as triaging, prioritizing, localizing, and resolving issues are highly resource-intensive for projects with large codebases and users. To address this challenge, we present SPRINT, a GitHub application that utilizes state-of-the-art deep learning techniques to streamline issue management tasks. SPRINT assists developers by: (i) identifying existing issues similar to newly reported ones, (ii) predicting issue severity, and (iii) suggesting code files that likely require modification to solve the issues. We evaluated SPRINT using existing datasets and methodologies, measuring its predictive performance, and conducted a user study with five professional developers to assess its usability and usefulness. The results show that SPRINT is accurate, usable, and useful, providing evidence of its effectiveness in assisting developers in managing issue reports. SPRINT is an open-source tool available at this https URL.
Toward the Automated Localization of Buggy Mobile App UIs from Bug Descriptions
In Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), 2024.
Bug report management is a costly software maintenance process comprised of several challenging tasks. Given the UI-driven nature of mobile apps, bugs typically manifest through the UI, hence the identification of buggy UI screens and UI components (Buggy UI Localization) is important to localizing the buggy behavior and eventually fixing it. However, this task is challenging as developers must reason about bug descriptions (which are often low-quality), and the visual or code representations of UI screens.
This paper is the first to investigate the feasibility of automating the task of Buggy UI Localization through a comprehensive study that evaluates the capabilities of one textual and two multi-modal deep learning (DL) techniques and one textual unsupervised technique. We evaluate such techniques at two levels of granularity, Buggy UI Screen and UI Component localization. Our results illustrate the individual strengths of models that make use of different representations, wherein models that incorporate visual information perform better for UI screen localization, and models that operate on textual screen information perform better for UI component localization – highlighting the need for a localization approach that blends the benefits of both types of techniques. Furthermore, we study whether Buggy UI Localization can improve traditional buggy code localization and find that incorporating localized buggy UIs leads to improvements of 9%-12% in Hits@10.
An improved Kohonen self-organizing map clustering algorithm for high-dimensional data sets.
In Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (IJEECS), 2021.
Manipulating high-dimensional data is a major research challenge in the field of computer science in recent years. To classify this data, a lot of clustering algorithms have already been proposed. Kohonen self-organizing map (KSOM) is one of them. However, this algorithm has some drawbacks like overlapping clusters and non-linear separability problems. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an improved KSOM (I-KSOM) to reduce the problems that measures distances among objects using EISEN Cosine correlation formula. So far as we know, no previous work has used EISEN Cosine correlation distance measurements to classify high-dimensional data sets. To the robustness of the proposed KSOM, we carry out the experiments on several popular datasets like Iris, Seeds, Glass, Vertebral column, and Wisconsin breast cancer data sets. Our proposed algorithm shows better result compared to the existing original KSOM and another modified KSOM in terms of predictive performance with topographic and quantization error.
An Expert Multi-Modal Person Authentication System Based on Feature Level Fusion of Iris and Retina Recognition.
In International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering (ECCE), 2019.
This research proposed a multi-modal person authentication system developed by feature level fusion of iris recognition and retina recognition. The reasons for choosing iris and retina as biometric characteristics are they provide the highest level of uniqueness, performance, universality, and circumvention. The 'curse-of-dimensionality' problem introduced in feature level fusion which was the main limitation of the prior works in this field, was minimized to a great extent by applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the augmented feature template. To validate this approach, iris and retina images obtained from 'IITD' and 'DRIVE' datasets respectively are used. The recognition rate for the proposed multi-modal biometric system was 98.37% whereas it is 96.74% and 94.56% for iris recognition and retina recognition respectively.